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Unexpected Places You Might Find Asbestos

Nichol & Associates, Attorneys at Law Feb. 3, 2021

Contrary to what many Tennessee residents think, the use of asbestos was never completely banned in the United States. Though it has been heavily regulated over the years, there are still some surprising places asbestos is still in use.

Asbestos was most often used in construction materials and can still be found in buildings you and your family members frequent. If you know where asbestos may be located, you can prevent exposure minimizing the chances of developing asbestosis or mesothelioma.

Asbestos in Your Home

Even newer homes can have asbestos within their bones. They can be found in vinyl flooring, popcorn ceilings, drywall, insulation and plumbing materials. It is important to never embark on any remodeling projects before having your home tested by an asbestos abatement company prior to starting, especially if your home was built before 1980.

Asbestos in Hospitals and Churches

Another surprising place asbestos can be found include hospitals and churches. They can be found in insulation materials around pipes, boilers and electrical wires. They may also be found in floor tiles and HVAC ducts. This means that healthcare workers, janitors and patients can run the risk of being exposed.

Asbestos in Schools

Because asbestos was prevalent in school buildings, the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) was formed in 1986. This act requires schools to inspect, manage and reduce asbestos exposure to students and staff.

Asbestos in Public Buildings

As with homes, newer public buildings can still contain asbestos in ceiling tiles, roofing, floor tiles and cement pipes. These public buildings can include any government building, shopping centers, airports, grocery stores and restaurants.